Verfasst von: CTL AG
Homberg, den 29. June 2021

CTL supports the parking guidance system start-up aparkado

The parking situation on federal motorways has not been able to cope with the increasing number of trucks for years. The calculation with 94,100 truck drivers needing a parking space and only 70,800 available parking spaces does not add up. Since then, the Federal Ministry of Transport has been planning to counter this gap with a five-point plan and to significantly reduce the lack of parking facilities.

Among other things, the plan is to achieve an efficient and optimised use of the existing truck parking space and to contribute to the reduction of parking search traffic. It is precisely these two points that the start-up aparkado is addressing by developing a technical option to make free parking spaces visible and bookable in a matter of seconds.

With aparkado, an intelligent parking guidance system, the founders Philipp Henn and Roland Moussavi want to arrange parking spaces for trucks. In the application, as an app and on the web, the truck driver only must enter his route and the remaining driving time. An algorithm then takes over and suggests an optimally located parking space, which can be booked with a click. Using satellite data, the percentage utilisation of the parking spaces is determined and will be monitored almost in real time in the future.

The display of free capacities is to run digitally and automatically and relieve the truck driver in his search for a parking space. In the event of a traffic jam, the app reacts automatically and rebooks the parking space depending on the situation. Individual wishes of the truck driver (sanitary facilities, food, etc.) can also be considered. The young team around aparkado is also planning to implement a parking space rating portal, functions for refuelling and the fundamental digitalisation of parking spaces. CTO of the start-up Roland Moussavi sums up the project as follows: “We want to create an easy-to-use app with great added value that the truck driver turns on in the morning and closes again in the evening!”

“We believe that aparkado is taking exactly the right approach. The business model goes much further than previous ways of searching for and finding parking spaces,” note CTL managing directors Francesco De Lauso and Paul Walter. “It also includes the development and marketing opportunity of new additional parking spaces, through non-government providers that make unused spaces available. In this way, aparkado generates not only customers but also providers. This is where we see the opportunity for the model. Reason enough for us to support aparkado in the future.”

CTL will actively introduce aparkado in the network and provide parking spaces itself. If necessary, CTL will advise aparkado on operational issues and support test and pilot projects of all kinds.

“We look forward to playing our part in the development of aparkado and will be very happy to contribute our capabilities and strengths. “, say the CEOs of the AG.

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